Uxplanet: listen with your eyes

<img src=»https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54917149e4b0c7f5bb5596da/1460580481216-CRIKFY946VEELFGP1K6W/uxplanet_listen_with_your_eyes» alt=»» />

Linocut. Berlín 2011.  My choice to start this new blog, a piece I created at Pictoplasma lovely workshops. My favourite festival where I was going on holidays from 2005 to 2013. And then, I kind of moved on. But from those years trips to such an event on illustration and characters and animation, I got the inspiration to write my own motto as an illustrator, my mantra: LISTEN WITH YOUR EYES 🙂

Because that is what I love do most. I am not strong on music affairs, yet I found out my way to listen to the world. I just listen with my eyes. Maybe it is also the reason why I got big big eyes!

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